Cultivation of Food Grain Crops in India

General Knowledge mock Test on Cultivation of food Grain Crops in India. Mock Test carries questions on Crop Seasons Rabi and Kharif. Mock Test is Applicable for JKSSB JKPSC Account Assistant, JKSSB FAA, JKPSC Assistant Registrar. Attempt Free Mock Test And get acquainted with Questions asked in exams.

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The Rabi crops are sown in which months?

Which of the following is ‘Rabi Crops’?

Which of the following is Kharif Crop?

Which one of the following sequences is correct in the context of the three largest wheat producing states in India?

The Kharif crops are sown in which months?

Which of the following is not a Rabi Crop?

Consider the following

I. Wheat is sown in mid-October-mid-November and harvested in March.

II. Wheat grows well in a cool, moist climate and ripens in a warm, dry climate.

Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct about climatic conditions for Growing Wheat?

Which of the following state is a not top Soyabean growing state in India?

What is the rank of India in the production of linseed in the world?

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