United Nations is an international organisation. United Nations was founded in Year 1945, two years before Indian independence and after world war 2
Purpose of United Nations
- To Maintain international Peace and Security
- To Promote economic and Social Development
- To protect Human Rights
- Original Members (When Founded) – 51
Present Members – 193(Latest addition in Un South Sudan July 2011) - Headquarters New York
History of United Nations (Why it was formed)
- After world war 2 all the nations were in ruins and desperately wanted peace
- 50 Countries gathered in San Francisco in 1945 to sign a document called The UN Charter, which created an Organisation and The United Nations was formed
- The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of 50 countries. Poland signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member State.
- Charter came into force and The UN officially came into existence on 24 October 1945.
- The UN day is celebrated on 24 October.
- The fore runner of UN was the League of Nations.
- The League of Nations was created after world war 1, with the same motive to maintain world peace, security and Protect the human rights.
- The League of Nations was Established in 1919 Under Treaty of Versailles
- The International Labour Organisation (ILO) was also created under the Same Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the league
- The League of Nations failed to prevent the World War 2, and hence ceased its activities.
Important Facts about UN
- The name United Nations was coined by the then US president Franking D. Roosevelt.
- The Term United Nations was declared first time on 1 January 1942 during second world war.
- Original UN Logo was created by the team of designers in 1945 led by Oliver Lincoln Lundquist.
- Official languages of UN- Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish

- Main Deliberative, Policymaking and Representative organ of UN
- All 193 members represent in General Assembly (Only UN body with universal representation)
- Located in New York
- Meets each Year in the month of September
- Elects a General Assembly President each year
- Add a new membership of States in UN – by a decision of General Assembly upon recommendation of Security Council.
- The Role of Security Council is to maintain international peace and security
- Takes lead in determining existence of threat to the peace
- Located in New York
- President is the head and changes every month on rotation basis
- Total members 15 (5 permanent and 10 non-permanent- for 2 Year)
- Each Member has one Vote
- 5 permanent Members include – China, Russian Federation, France UK and United States and have a Veto Power
- Veto Power: refers to the power of permanent member to veto (Reject) any resolution of security council
Economic and Social Council (EcoSoc)
- UN’s Central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development
- Works into 3 dimensions of sustainable development economic, social, and environmental
- Also responsible for follow up to major UN conferences and Summits
- Members – 54
- Located in New York
- president is the highest power
Trusteeship Council
- It was established to provide international supervision to 11 Trust Territories and to promote their advancement towards self-governance or independence
- Trust territory is a non-self-governing territory placed under an administrative authority by the Trusteeship Council of UN
- Aims of Trusteeship Council got fulfilled by 1994, when all the Trust Territories attained self-government or independence, either as a separate state or by joining neighbouring independent countries.
- Trustee Council suspended operations in November 1994 a month after independence of Palau- last remaining trust territory
International Court of Justice
- Principle Judicial Organ of UN
- ITs role is to settle legal disputes submitted to it by states and to give advisory opinions on legal question
- Composed of 15 Judges elected for 9 Years elected by Un General Assembly and Security council
- Located in Peace Palace in Hague (Netherlands)
- only Principal organ of UN not located in New York (USA)
- its official language is French and English
- ICJ is the successor of the Permanent Court of International justice, which was established by the League of Nations in 1920
The Secretariat
- All the paperwork happens here
- Comprises Secretary Genera and tens of thousands of UN staff members
- Contains various departments having distinct actions and responsibilities
- Secretary General is appointed by the General Assembly for 5 Year, renewable term
- Secretary general is the chief Administrative officer and the Head of the Secretariat
- Located in New York