JKSSB English MOCK Test – Set 1

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Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

I                    pray more often.

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

The town I come from is so small that you probably won't find it           a map.

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

He went to the meeting in a casual suit,               wasn't a smart thing to do.

Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence?

In such a needful situation, one should learn to adjure, instead of conjuring excuses."

Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

Their               likes to live in isolation, and doesn't respond in            to unexpected visits.

Change the sentence from reported speech to direct speech

Gautami said that she had received plenty of job offers.

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

We cancelled our outing,                    

In what logical order can we arrange the given sentences to get a coherent paragraph?

  1.  Desire is the opposite of contentment, feeling of satisfaction.
  2.  To deal with dreams and desire, psychiatrists have identified a dreamer as the owner of "non- rational form of knowledge".
  3.  Like a fortune-teller, the dreamer ‘sees' the future and leads his desires
  4.  Subconscious information is essentially instinctive.
  5.  It involves seeing and nurturing a vision of the future, along with wants and necessities.

Which word is the farthest in meaning from the underlined word in the sentence

"He is illiterate, so don't expect miracles out of him just "

Identify the meaning of underlined phrase.

The Lawyer's arguments fell flat on the judge

Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

Using his binoculars, he could spot                US cargo ship in the distance.

Change the sentence from direct speech to reported speech:

Sunitha said "Why don’t you buy land now even when you know it's a good investment!"

Fill in the blank with suitable option given below:

She is                 her annual vacation, so don't call and disturb her.

Fill in the blank with suitable option given below:

Are you counting on him for a lift? He will let you mount his bike when                

Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

He removed the painting,         first was my favorite, so i was upset.

Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

Sheena cried when she                  that she     her shoes.

Rearrange the following jumbled words to form a meaningful sentence:


Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

          you need any further clarification, please feel free to reach out.

Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

It was                   who strived against  discrimination to become the first woman juge of her country

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